I started using Trello to organize my business but I quickly realized I actually needed better organization in my personal life. I now use it for both, and I couldn’t be happier. This is how I use Trello for personal task management and not just business.
I’m a list person. But they get out of control sometimes and I find myself with lists written on sticky notes, the back of an envelope, a library book due-date notice (let’s face it, they’re not being returned on time anyway!), etc.
You too? Read on for how I FINALLY got control of it.
Never Lose This Recipe—Email It to Yourself!
This is post #4 in the How to Use Trello to Organize Your Entire Life series. You can find the rest here:
- How to use Trello for Meal Planning
- Connect your Trello Meal Planning Board with Pinterest
- How to Use Trello to Organize Your Life
You’ve got a million things to do every day so you jot them down like everyone tells you to.
Maybe you even make a nice to-do list first thing in the morning and you feel on top of everything. But then the day goes on, and it feels like you didn’t get anything DONE.
And all of a sudden, your son’s class needs cupcakes for tomorrow. And the dog throws up. And there’s 8 loads of laundry waiting for you to fold.
Now you want to scream. And nothing actually got done!
I hear ya.
As moms we have a million things to remember at all times, our brains are always on the go and we live with never ending to do lists. We write things on random slips of paper, post it notes with reminders fill out fridge, and the lists for school and spots get lost in the shuffle of everyday life.
Instead of continuing to buy different planners hoping to ‘find one that works’ (and then allowing them to pile up and create even more clutter), how about trying something different?
Something that can allow you to get all of those thoughts out of your head and into something that you can take with you anywhere, share with your family easily, and allow you to FINALLY feel in control and less stressed?
Trello is your answer, my friend. Trello.
It’s seriously the best tool to get organized as a busy mom.
How to set up Trello for personal task management
Trello is an incredibly easy digital system that can house all of your lists from meal planning to vacation packing to Christmas shopping to weekly goals and activities. It’s simple to use, completely customizable, and portable – so you can create lists and boards on your computer and take them on the go with the app on your tablet or phone!
Trello is a life saver for the busy mom who needs to juggle everything! With Trello, you set up a board which is basically where your lists will be kept. On the lists are cards and you can customize cards with checklists, to do lists, labels and more! Here’s a screenshot of my summer Trello board that shows each thing:
No more buying planners or spending money on a million apps. Trello is your one stop shop to getting your family and life on track!
Creating a board is super simple but, to save you time, I’ve come up with the Ultimate List of Trello Boards (101 to be exact!) you can create to make your life easier! There are boards to help you organize the kids chores, babysitter information, important photos, your budget, etc.
You get the gist. Read on.
As a bonus, I’ve also gone ahead and made some sample boards for you. You’re welcome. 🙂 You can get the entire list in a PDF along with the link for the sample boards here:
Home Maintenance
Meal planning
Household binder
Automobile maintenance
Grocery shopping
Coupon management
Kitchen Food Inventory
Garage sale
Cleaning schedule
Honey-Do List
Organize kids artwork
Habit Tracking
Garden Tracker
Pet Health Board
Charitable Donations
Spring Cleaning
Kids Artwork and School
Potluck Dinners
Home Improvement Projects
Kids doctors appointments
Tax preparation
Babysitter checklist and
important numbers
Grocery stock-up price list
Wine list
Paint Colors in every room
Plan a renovation
Online Ordering Tracker
Bucket lists
Marathon Training
Holiday Gift Shopping
New Baby Hospital Bag
Vacation planning
Holiday planning
Christmas cookie
Hosting Out of Town Guests
Wedding Planning
Healthy Living Goals
Holiday Toy Drive
Holiday Cards
Birthday Tracker
Wedding Seating Arrangements
Bridesmaid Board
Trophies, Medals, and
Lesson Planning
Team Workflows
Job Search Board
Collaborative Projects
New Hire Onboarding
Research Projects
Teacher Grade Tracker
Conference Planning
Room Redecorating
Weekly Classroom Newsletter
Packing for College
Plan out a novel or screenplay
Podcast Planning
Start a blog
Professional license tracker
Computer, printer, and tech management
Books to read
Podcasts to follow
Blogs to follow
Prayer journal
Food journal
Important photos
Bible Quotes
Workout schedule
Online Courses to Take
E-BOOK List and Organization
Baby Milestones
Movie Bucket List
Task Management
Rolling calendar
My week
Shopping lists
Back to school
Family schedules
Big Dream and Vision Boards
Family Status Board
Long Term Life Goals
Summer planning
Kids chores
Sinking Funds Organization
Estate planning
Was that enough of a list for you??? If you think of more, I want you to send them to me and I’ll add them to this list!
If you want to get moving with your boards, drop your email and I’ll send them over to you in one nicely organized page! You can print it (or better yet, attach it to a Trello board!) for future reference, and snag any of the sample boards that are already made for you!